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  • Helplessness

    Posted on May 17th, 2012 rhonda No comments

     “In your anger do not sin. 

    Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,

    and do not give the devil a foothold.”

    Ephesians 4:26-27

    My word of wisdom for today is helplessness.

    I am not used to hearing women talk about being angry and wanting revenge, but women in my program do. One woman shared her former desire to get revenge.  She never did anything beyond just having fantasies about how she’d like to get even.  She realized she had to let it go in order to get out of her food addiction.

    Another person said that being angry is the sure way to gain weight.  I have often let the sun go down on my anger; and the resulting sin is my nighttime gluttony.  When I think of Ephesians 4, I’ve always thought the sin was a sin committed against someone else.  Now I realize that the sin I’m committing is against myself.  Some people cut themselves.  I eat.  I sin.  Hope and addiction do not go together.  When I eat, I’m admitting hopelessness.

    Hope and addiction do not go together; but helplessness and a higher power (Jesus Christ) do go together.   Once I realize I’m helpless, I can let God do the work.  I’m supposed to meditate on God and His Word all day.  Instead, I sometimes dwell on other people, which is idol-worship.  Going to meetings refocuses me on God.