My Portion
Posted on June 1st, 2015 No commentsMy Portion
Years ago, I told some friends about how I felt about my relationship with God.
“I work in a place where everyone gets a birthday card – the exact same card. I guess it was done to save money. On the one hand, I wouldn’t get anything if I didn’t work there. On the other hand, it doesn’t make me feel special. That’s how I feel about Jesus. On the one hand, if I wasn’t a Christian, I wouldn’t be able to go to heaven. On the other hand, I don’t feel special. God hasn’t given me anything special.”
In order to feel special, I would have wanted 100% health, and to have the job, money, apartment, and husband I wanted. Other Christians got all of the above – plus Jesus. I just got Jesus.
Then, I listened to the choir soloist singing the refrain, “The Lord is my portion forever.”
The folks in my office love chocolate. One day, someone brought in a chocolate bar and broke it into pieces, and everyone was just happy to get a piece. Sharing it gave us all a break from the monotony of the day, a respite, a pleasant surprise, a bonding experience, and reinforced a sense of belonging; all of that because of some chocolate. Jesus is the living water & bread of life. He is a Feast, and a feast is meant to be shared. Who likes to eat alone? Psalm 33:8 tells us to “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” I’m starting to think differently. I’m realizing that having Jesus as my portion is enough. Maybe more than enough. Everything.