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  • RIP Donna Summer

    Posted on May 18th, 2012 rhonda No comments

    “Teach us to number our days aright,

    that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

    Psalm 90:12

    The Queen of Disco, Donna Summer, passed away on Thursday, May 17, 2012.  I was raised in a family that went to church.  Nonetheless, my parents never prohibited me from listening to secular music.  I was in elementary school during the 1970s, when she ruled the airwaves.  “Last Dance” was so popular that my mom got sick of hearing it.

    Donna has been out of the spotlight for years now, so I don’t think of her consciously every day; but news of her death did trigger some sense of mourning in me.    Recently we lost Whitney Houston.  “The Preacher’s Wife” is one of my favorite pieces of art from her, especially “Joy” & “I love the Lord”. 

    The Bible reminds us that the days of our lives are short, and we should live our lives in light of that reality.  So my word of wisdom today is that we number – and pray.  For all the hours of listening pleasure that Donna & Whitney have brought me, I should have prayed for them more.  I will commit myself to pray more for those people who are still alive & still blessing my life through their art.  My first prayer is that they all have the pleasure of an introduction to Christ, and that their lives and work be blessed through Him.


    1 responses to “RIP Donna Summer” RSS icon

    • Very true, Rhonda. Those in the entertainment business need much prayer. It is a very difficult business to be in. Drugs and alcohol seem to be an escape for many who can’t handle the pressure, or the loneliness. It seems so strange that entertainers should be lonely. So many fans love the entertainer, but very few actually know them deeply and care about their deepest needs. We love them for what they give us, but they are rarely loved for who they are apart from their talents.
      I heard this morning that Donna Summer had a deep faith in God. I’m thankful to hear that! I pray that many others would find the faith she is said to have. It is the only thing that will sustain them in the pressures of the media.

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