Logan’s Run
Posted on February 10th, 2014 No comments“We know he is our son,”
the parents answered,
“and we know he was born blind.
But how he can see now,
or who opened his eyes,
we don’t know.
Ask him.
He is of age: he will speak for himself.”
John 9:20-21
I was a child when Logan’s Run came out in 1976. All I can remember about the film is that people weren’t allowed to live past age 30. In real life, no one will kill us once we turn 31. Mentally, however, a lot of people will kill us off at 31. The great news is that God is a savior and a redeemer.
A newspaper recently did a weeklong series of articles following the life of a 10-year old girl, Dasani, living with her parents & siblings in a homeless shelter. While focusing on Dasani, the reporters summarized her parents’ troubled lives. Her parents came from poverty, were poorly educated, didn’t work regularly, were unemployed at the time of the writing, actually borrowed (took) money from their children, were aggressive, and struggled with substance abuse problems. When I read the “Letters to the Editor” section, I felt sad. So many people wrote in and said that they admired Dasani’s resilience & saw great promise in her, and advocated that she and her siblings should be taken away from her parents & given to foster care. What saddened me is that no one mentioned doing anything to help the parents be better parents. I inferred that, in their minds, everyone had written off the parents as being irredeemable. The family was getting plenty of social services – shelter, food stamps, disability benefits, etc. Presumably, because of that, giving the parents more resources would just be a waste of time, effort & money.
I thank God that He is not that way. I’m glad that even if we’ve wasted our youth & turned out not too well in life, we still have a chance. Acts 3 & 4 tells the story of what happened when Peter (in the name of Jesus Christ) healed a man who had been lame since birth. He was begging at a gate called Beautiful when Peter & John walked by. I’m glad that the story finishes by mentioning that he was over 40 years old he got his healing.
Regardless of how old you are, don’t give up. Let God help you keep living your life to the fullest (John 10:10).
“For the man who was miraculously healed was over 40 years old.”
Acts 4:22
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