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  • We Have Come to Worship

    Posted on July 10th, 2013 rhonda No comments

    They performed the service of their God and the service of purification,

    as did also the singers and gatekeepers,

    according to the commands of David and his son Solomon. 

    For long ago, in the days of David and Asaph,

    there had been directors for the singers and for the

    songs of praise and thanksgiving to God.

    Nehemiah 12:45-46

    It was a blessing to attend Father’s Day service and see a choir of 21 men softly singing “We have come to worship”.  Before service started, I was overwhelmed with emotion, because I was reminded of the church I was raised in as a child.

    The church I attended on Father’s Day was a powerful & beautiful “homecoming” for me.  Every man in the choir wore a white shirt and tie.  The women & children in the audience were dressed up, which I see as an expression of reverence for God and self-respect.  The clothes and, more importantly, what they represent, are God’s gifts to us.

    I started to cry when the choir sang God Is, a song I haven’t heard since my childhood.  Here are some of the lyrics:

     God is my joy in time of sorrow.
    God, God is my all in all.
    God is my today and tomorrow.
    God, my God is, my all in all.

    God is the joy and
    the strength of my life,
    He moves all pain, misery, and strife.

    He promised to keep me,
    never to leave me.
    He’s never ever come short of His word.

    I’ve got to fast and pray,
    stay in His narrow way,
    I’ve got to keep my life clean everyday;
    I want to go with Him when He comes back,
    I’ve come this far and I’ll never turn back.

    The Pastor took his sermon from 2 Samuel 6:14-23, where David danced before the Lord while escorting the ark back to Jerusalem.

    Pastor told the men that church was the place for them to drop their stoicism, be transparent, and truly celebrate before the Lord, as David did.  So, on Father’s Day, the men danced.  We all did.





    2 responses to “We Have Come to Worship” RSS icon

    • I felt inspired to to write the following: Recently, our Pastor has been teaching on the importance of praise. Praise is a weapon. Sometimes, in the darkest moment of our circumstances, the way to get to the next level/dimension is simply through our praise. When we clap our hands, raise our voice, dance, stomp, etc…we are creating a noise that is intolerable to the enemy! We are declaring that our God is powerful and there is nothing too BIG for Him to handle. Praise helps to get our mind focused on the noble, pure, lovely things. It empties us of the negative, deceitful, wrong thougts. Then when we follow up with worship, oh my! When we humble ourselves to Him, we are now ready to be filled with more even more of Him…more power! I want more Jesus…I ask him to help me to submit completely to His will. Oh, I can understand David dancing like never before for the Lord! I understand David taking off his clothing. I ask Jesus to takes off this old man and put on the new man.

    • Thank you for your post. ♥ We will pray for you!!! We pray for wisdom that you would know God’s will for your life. Stay in His prouceis Word and continue to sit quietlly before Him. He will give you direction. We are so blessed that this site is helping you. It is an encouragement to us!! Keep us posted with your praise reports!! We know God will come through for you!! ♥ Much love in Jesus,Joe and Melissa 🙂

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