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  • Choices

    Posted on May 14th, 2012 rhonda No comments


     This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Now choose life . . . .   Deuteronomy 31:6

    I decided to start writing because I hope to help other people.  I live a good life, but not a great life.  When I look back on my life, I wonder where I be now if I had known then (in my teens and twenties) what I know now.  I never had a mentor, so I learned through trial and error.  I thought I’d share the results of my trials & errors so that other people could pick up some useful tips.  I don’t want to hold myself out as a sage, because I haven’t arrived yet.  My highest hope is to create a community where we mentor one another by sharing words of wisdom.  My word of wisdom for today is choices.

    Several years ago I participated in a Bible study, and we read a book called “This Isn’t the Life I Signed Up For”.  The title alone was a revelation to me, because I didn’t know that I had to make choices in life.  Some things in life seem to be such common occurrences that I figured they just happened to people.  I was wrong.  There are a bunch of things that people have to decide whether or not they want.   We have to decide how we want our lives to play out.  That includes work, housing, location, marriage, children, and wealth, among other things.  I say that people have to make choices.  In reality, no one has to choose.  However, I would urge you to start making decisions about your life for 3 reasons.  If you don’t make a choice, other people will make it for you.  There’s a possibility that you won’t like the choices made for you.  When you get older, you may have regrets because you realize that you haven’t been living the most pleasurable and fulfilling life possible for you.

    There’s a big difference between going to a party, and watching a party.  Not making decisions about your own life is like watching the party.   I think there are some foundational things people have to figure out about themselves before they can deal with the smaller details of life.  Things like:

    1. Do I believe in God?
    2. What do I believe in?
    3. How do I figure out who I am and what I’m here for?
    4. Whose opinion should I believe in?  (Where do I look for truth)

    Think about it.  Twenty years from now, I pray that we all will be able to look back on our lives and say that we made the right choices.